News ID: 3472
Publish Date : 14 December 2018 - 09:34

The Complex Conundrum of Government Revenues from Car Importation Tax

The government had difficulties in predicting the income from taxes of vehicle importation and their predictions didn’t happen by vast differences.
Khodrocar – The government’s income from vehicle importation was considered in the budget bill prediction and was very important duo to its condition.

According to statistics, the government predicts 22 thousand billion IRRs in the budget bill of 1392 but 14.8 thousand billion IRRs of them happened. In the budget bill of 1393 they predicted 11.6 thousand billion IRRs and 26 thousand billion IRRs achieved.

In the budget bill of 1395, about 76 percent of the prediction and about 34.4 thousand billion IRRs and in the next year only 8 percent achieved while 2 thousand billion IRRs predicted less. It shows that we are not writing vehicle importation budget expertly.

In the past 3 years the income from vehicle importation tax didn’t happen and this question will be come to mind that why all predictions happened with differences. Does the government pay special attention to car imports?

In the budget of 1398 the government decided to reduce this income to zero and it means that vehicle importation will remain ban in the next year.

Nevertheless, beside importation ban some organizations, foreign ambassadors, diplomats and official political employee have permission to import one car with 2500cc and higher displacement with the worth of 40000 dollar.

There is an additional question that is required for diplomats to import motor vehicles with an engine volume higher than 2500 cc when importing cars to the country prohibited? Does not this make diplomats sell these luxury cars on the market and see luxury cars in the country again? Also, government revenue from car imports is really zero?

It seems that the government must make a fundamental review of car imports and how it will compete in the car market, and make an expert and accurate decision based on existing facts.

Khodrocar Reporter: Hadi Sianaki

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani